12ft x 12ft Area Without Power Access - $125
12ft x 12ft Area With Power Access - $150
TBD, 2025
Vendors are expected to be set up and ready to sell by 9AM and to remain open until 5PM every day of the Festival.
You must facilitate your own extension cords and booth equipment.
Parking on the Square is strictly forbidden except for unloading and loading booth equipment.
You must check in on Thursday between 8AM and 6:30PM before the Festival to receive your booth assignments.
In your booth assignments, you will receive tax schedules detailing amounts and state tax envelopes. It is mandatory for all vendors to collect sales tax from customers and remit it to the state.
Please read all the rules and regulations if you are interested in becoming a vendor.
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If you would prefer to fill the application out by hand and mail it, please download the file below.
If you just would like to view the application, click the button below. You should also be using this button if you are having issues with the download.